Gooey <-->

How Fandom Upgraded Their Tech Stack by Switching to Lattice

A conversation with:

Vicky Tan
Manager, People Operations
Lattice isn't just an HR tool — it's a Fandom tool because it impacts everyone across the company
Vicky Tan
Manager, People Operations

The Challenge 

Fandom, the world’s largest fan platform with a culture of connectivity and continuous learning, found itself hindered by its HR tech stack. Vicky Tan, Fandom's People Operations Manager, identified a critical issue: their existing platform, Culture Amp, was underutilized and failed to align with the company's ethos.

"We were only using our previous platform for annual reviews and engagement surveys," Vicky explains. "Some of our employees admitted that they only logged in once a year because they had to. We needed to find a platform that people would use year-round, and were excited to engage with the tool."

The Solution

Enter Lattice. Fandom recognized that Lattice could provide the comprehensive, integrated solution Fandom needed. The platform's ability to support continuous feedback, enhance manager effectiveness, and integrate seamlessly with daily operations was key to gaining buy-in at all levels of the organization, especially at the manager level.

Implementing Lattice

Fandom's HR team used a strategic change management approach to ensure smooth adoption across the company:

  1. Early adoption by departmental VPs and the People team.
  2. Advance communication and optional office hours / feedback sessions for employees.
  3. Identifying "Lattice Champions" across departments.
  4. Creating excitement through previews and demonstrations of the platform.

Lattice’s Impact

  1. Continuous Feedback Culture: Lattice enabled Fandom to transition from annual reviews to year-round feedback. "We describe ourselves as a learning organization, and Lattice helps reinforce that culture," says Vicky. "The ability to integrate continuous feedback into one-on-ones and annual reviews has been huge."
  2. Enhanced Manager Support: As a company with a strong emphasis on manager development, Lattice's built-in tools and templates proved invaluable. "Lattice provides a great foundation with templates, conversation starters, and more. We didn't have that before," Vicky notes.
  3. Intuitive User Experience: The platform's ease of use drove rapid adoption. "People don't need to go through hours of training content. You log in, and it's easy to figure out what you need to do," Vicky explains.
  4. Improved Data Integration:Fandom appreciates how Lattice’s tools are integrated with each other – something they were severely lacking in the past.
  5. Remote-Friendly Solution: As a mostly remote and global company, Fandom appreciates how Lattice centralizes feedback that was previously scattered across various communication channels.

For HR leaders considering a switch to Lattice, Fandom's experience demonstrates the potential for transforming your company's feedback culture, enhancing manager effectiveness, and driving employee engagement through an intuitive, integrated platform.

To explore how Lattice can revolutionize your HR tech stack and create a feedback-driven culture, book a demo today.


"Lattice isn't just an HR tool — it's a Fandom tool because it impacts everyone across the company," Vicky emphasizes. "We're already seeing tons of benefits." Here are a few benefits they’re already enjoying:

  • High adoption rates, with a target of 85% company-wide usage.
  • Managers actively encourage daily use of Lattice for updates, feedback, and one-on-ones.
  • Positive reception from employees, especially around the ease-of-use.

Your people are your business

Ensure both are successful with Lattice.

 on Capterra