Gooey <-->

Resources for Humans

Welcome to Resources for Humans, our free Slack community of 23,000+ HR leaders! This community is designed to help HR professionals connect, share advice, and ask questions.

We're so excited to have you join us! Please read this onboarding page before you jump in and start participating!

Code of conduct

To help maintain a safe and welcoming environment, we ask that all community members adhere to a few guidelines that are listed below. Don’t worry, the rules are simple. Our policy is final — any violations will be reviewed and are subject to removal from the Resources for Humans community.

NOTE: This is not a community for legal advice and on some range of topics (visas, harassment issues, compliance, etc.) the community members are not giving legal advice and should not be considered responsible for that advice.Community members are responsible for ensuring the content they post does not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others.

Be respectful

Always be supportive and helpful to others. Speak to others the way you’d like them to speak to you. Help us keep this place as accessible and inclusive as possible.

No selling

No selling and no lead generation, please and thank you! Resources for Humans is meant for individuals, not companies, and the purpose of RfH is for education and support. We do not allow selling in public channels, private channels, or DMs. Our "no selling" rule includes (but is not limited to):

  • Promoting your product, company, consulting business, or recruiting service
  • Pushing a survey for product or content research
  • Offering a "free" resource that requires signing up

Keep it in the community

Resources for Humans is a safe space for HR leaders to ask questions and share their POV. These conversations should be kept within the confines of the community; no sharing with the outside world.

Actively Participate

The quality and usefulness of this community depends on you:

  • Ask questions
  • Answer questions
  • Engage in discourse
  • Keep the conversation to the right channel

The best policy is one message, one channel — avoid posting in multiple channels for more visibility (for everyone’s sake)!

We encourage you to help lead the conversation! This community is a forum to engage with other knowledgeable professionals — think of it as a place to discuss strategies, ask questions, share insights, provide mentorship, etc.

Before you start

Follow these simple steps before you can start engaging with the community, to ensure you start in the right conditions

Fill your profile

Fill out your Slack profile! Where do you work and what do you do? For example, put your company in your name so people know, like: "Grace (Lattice)".

Make sure to add a profile picture.

Introduce yourself

Introduce yourself in the #introductions channel. You will be added automatically but your first post should be in this channel so the community can say hi 👋.

Set notifications

Set your Slack notifications however you prefer. Keep in mind you can leave and join any channel you wish!


We have a range of channels that you can join. This is a curated selection (and you’ll be added into some automatically when you first join) so check the Slack group for the full list!

NOTE: We can’t cover everything, but we can try! Suggest channels you’d like to see added to Slack here

Slack channels

Regional channels

We also have regional channels so you can connect with HR professionals near you. To find them, just look under Channels in your sidebar!

Pssst, we want to start holding RfH IRL meetups so you can meet the people you’ve been talking to online in real life! If you want to host a meetup, let us know — all meetups will be announced in their respective location channel.

Pro tip: These channels can also be fun resources if you have travel coming up!

RfH ambassadors

Join the RfH experts sharing their HR knowledge, both online and offline!

Apply here

Who are RfH Ambassadors?

RfH Ambassadors are HR leaders within the Resources for Humans community recognized for their leadership, knowledge, and positive, ongoing community contributions.

They are experts in the space and pillars within the community.

Meet your ambassadors

Frequently asked questions

I want to invite a friend to RfH, why can’t I add them?

We keep the group private to ensure there are no vendors or special interests joining the group! If you have a friend or colleague in People Ops who should be in Resources for Humans, have them apply here.

I applied — how long will it take for my application to get approved?

Applications are reviewed by the Lattice Community team every weekday. If you do not receive a response to your application, please contact them by emailing [email protected].

How do I add Resources for Humans to my Slack?

How do I change my email in Slack?

Who moderates this group?

The Lattice Community team moderates the group along with help from the RfH Ambassadors.

I have more questions!

If you have RfH-related questions that haven't been answered by this page, send an email to [email protected]. Someone from our team will get back to you as soon as they can!

Resources for Humans events

You’re invited! Join RfH today for invitations to exclusive dinners, digital hangouts, and “RFH IRL” community meet-ups in cities across the country, led by local HR professionals. You’ll also be the first to find out about Lattice's own hosted conferences (Lattiverse), which offer great networking opportunities and access to top HR leaders.

Join the community

This community is designed to help HR professionals connect, share advice, and ask questions.

By submitting your information, you agree to Lattice's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. You can opt out anytime.