Gooey <-->
Midsize Businesses

Développez les performances de vos managers et de vos salariés

Les performances de l’entreprise dépendent des performances de chaque collaborateur. Lattice vous aide à obtenir les deux.

Logo of Brooklinen
Logo of Brooklinen

Gagnez en efficacité grâce à une plateforme RH unifiée

Rendez vos managers plus efficaces et profitez de données qui vous permettent de réduire le désengagement, les charges administratives et les tâches à faible valeur ajoutée.

En savoir plus sur la plateforme RH Lattice

Les managers sont la source de votre réussite

Quand les managers sont performants, les salariés sont plus performants ! Donnez à vos managers les outils dont ils ont besoin pour optimiser les performances de leur équipe.

En savoir plus sur Performance

Améliorez l’engagement des salariés avec l’IA

Les salariés désengagés sont moins productifs. Appuyez-vous sur l’IA pour augmenter l’engagement de vos talents, et connectez les données d’engagement et de performance pour comprendre leurs motivations.

En savoir plus sur Engagement

Frequently Asked Questions

How can HR software help a midsized business?

Midsize businesses have unique challenges. The more you scale, the more you need to scale your people processes to keep up. By providing structure to how you drive employee and manager performance using HR software, you can ensure that you know where your high-performing talent is, and where there may be gaps.

How can HR management software help midsized businesses with employee retention?

HR management software helps midsize businesses with employee retention by providing tools that improve employee engagement. By gathering real-time feedback and surfacing insights that will help you understand what drives your top performers, you can create a winning culture that they want to stay in.

What features do midsize businesses need from HR software?

Midsize businesses need HR software that can grow as they scale, and that is easy for employees to use. It’s also critical for leadership to have access to team sentiment, engagement, and performance analytics to make important business decisions. Commonly needed features include ways to make managers more effective, to manage performance and talent reviews, and to measure and improve employee engagement.

What is the ROI of implementing HR software for a midsized business?

A study conducted by Forrester found that Lattice had a 3-month payback period, with an average of 195% ROI. Calculate what your company’s ROI could be with our interactive ROI estimator.

How does Lattice help midsize companies implement new HR software tools?

Lattice’s award-winning customer support team include Production Adoption Consultants who will roll out software to your company in a personalized manner. We also provide tool training for all admins, managers, and employees via Lattice University. Our comprehensive suite of integrations further supports the seamless implementation of Lattice within your full software tool stack.

What support does Lattice offer for growing HR functions?

Lattice supports growing HR functions by helping save time on administrative tasks for both employees and admins. Implementing Lattice will provide structure to your people programs that will support you as your team grows.

The Lattice difference

People get up in the morning and get excited to go to work when they have a sense of purpose, meaning, and growth. When they feel like they're contributing to something bigger than themselves.
Notre équipe de direction a complètement changé d’avis en passant de « On ne peut pas régler un problème avec un outil » à « J’adore Lattice. Pouvons-nous également l’utiliser pour les OKR ? ». Lorsque j’ai répondu que c’était possible, elle était ravie !

Vos collaborateurs sont votre entreprise

Garantissez votre réussite mutuelle avec Lattice.

 sur Capterra