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6 Survey Templates to Help You Go Deeper Into Your Employee Experience

Andy Przystanski
Andy Przystanski
June 20, 2023
Senior Content Marketing Manager

People leaders are required to navigate a lot of difficult challenges in order to ensure that their workforce is set up to thrive. 

The first step in navigating these challenges is to implement an annual or bi-annual Engagement survey. These deep-dive surveys allow you to collect employee feedback on a wide range of topics in order to develop a holistic understanding of your employee experience. 

But often, the themes uncovered in these broader engagement surveys lead to more nuanced questions that require deeper exploration into specialized topics like DEIB, change management, mental wellness, and manager effectiveness. 

“Implementing an effective listening strategy goes beyond a single engagement survey,” says Dave Carhart, VP of Lattice’s People Strategy Group. “It should include multiple touchpoints during the employee lifecycle and also go deeper into high-priority areas. Using targeted surveys to dig into a particular focus area can draw out the depth and nuance of understanding that can be critical to a major organizational objective.” 

“The reality is that the economic environment, changing business needs and employee sentiment will continue to present new challenges to navigate. Surveys built to support specific HR needs are critical in being able to respond with agility,” advises Carhart. 

However, these topics can be trickier to investigate deeper because they require asking thoughtful, yet pointed questions that successfully and respectfully get to the core feelings of each topic. And research shows that how questions are designed, what is asked, and even what response options are offered can have a statistically significant effect on results.
That’s why Lattice’s People Strategy Group partnered with specialists to develop six brand-new survey templates that provide you with deep, accurate insights on their areas of expertise.

Want to know who’s ready to take the next step in their career? Use this Career Development Survey by HRSG. 

Developed with the world leader in modern competency-based and career pathing software, HRSG, this survey template will help you assess how confident employees feel to take the next step in their career. 

It collects employee feedback on the main components impacting the success of career development programs at your organization and will reveal strengths and opportunities in order to foster enhanced career mobility and improve overall engagement. 

While you can run this survey anytime, we recommend administering it after scheduled performance and/or professional development conversations to collect the most impactful feedback on how you can continue to support employees in their career growth. 

Get the survey questions and methodology for free here.

Want to improve performance management at your company? Use this Performance Management Survey by Hone.

Created with leadership development company, Hone, this survey template will measure employee sentiment around performance management at your company. 

The results will provide a baseline understanding of strengths and improvement areas in planning, monitoring, developing, evaluating, and rewarding performance for all employees – including both people managers and ICs. 

Share this survey with all of your employees following the close of your performance review cycle to monitor ongoing perceptions and collect valuable feedback from your workforce on how you can continue to improve performance management at your company.

Get the survey questions and methodology for free here.

Want to uplevel manager effectiveness? Use this Manager Effectiveness Survey by LifeLabs Learning. 

Developed in partnership with leadership skills accelerator, LifeLabs Learning, this survey template will allow you to identify who your top managers are, their current strengths, and where there are opportunities to improve specific skills. 

Notice that performance is starting to dip on some teams? Maybe managers aren’t upholding specific programs or practices (like 1:1s)? Or you’re getting ready to add or revamp your manager training?  

Those are all great times to administer this survey to collect feedback directly from your frontline employees in order to understand what methods you can replicate from your top managers and where they are opportunities to invest in to accelerate their effectiveness. 

Get the survey questions and methodology for free here.

Want to get ahead of or better manage change? Use this Change Management Survey by livingHR.

Created with livingHR, an agency built for the people function, this survey template will help you navigate the complexities of change, mitigate resistance, and maximize the likelihood of achieving desired outcomes. 

Whether its a technological implementation, process improvement, or structural shift, you can administer this survey ahead of large changes to either your full workforce or a small group to proactively collect feedback and ensure that you can implement a clear and effective change-management strategy. 

Get the survey questions and methodology for free here.

Want feedback on your learning and development programs? Use this Development Survey by PuzzleHR.

Developed with PuzzleHR, this survey will evaluate your company's support for employees' skill development, tolerance for risks and mistakes, provision of feedback, and encouragement of growth. 

The goal of this survey is to gather feedback from your employees on their access to training, learning tools, and knowledge-sharing opportunities. The survey evaluates the company's support for employees' skill development, tolerance for risks and mistakes, provision of feedback, and encouragement of growth. 

Is learning & development a priority area for your team this year? Launch this survey ahead of building any new content to learn about what your employees actually want from a program – including content, delivery, and timing. Then, run it again a few months after you’ve rolled out your new program to measure the effectiveness and identify areas for improvement. 

Get the survey questions and methodology for free here.

Want to build a more diverse, equitable, inclusive, and welcoming workplace? Use this DEIB Survey by Peoplism. 

Developed in partnership with Peoplism, a leading DEIB consulting firm, this survey will help teams identify specific issues that are holding them back from having a diverse, equitable, inclusive, and welcoming workplace. 

It is important to administer this survey at regular intervals to consistently monitor progress and ensure equitable and healthy experiences across all employee groups. This survey will also offer recommendations on how to improve identified issues. 

This survey template is available exclusively for Lattice Engagement customers. Learn more.

Great people teams create consistent opportunities to collect honest, quality feedback from the employees they support. However, the questions that need to be asked in order to get those accurate insights aren’t always crystal-clear. 

That’s why we recommend administering specialized surveys designed with the help of experts (like the ones we’ve outlined above!) to ensure your team gets an accurate understanding into specific topics and levers that may help to improve employee productivity, engagement, overall culture at your workplace. 
Need help interpreting or taking action on your results?  When you use Lattice to run your surveys, you won’t just get reliable results – you’ll also get automatic insights and recommended next steps to help you develop and implement an effective strategy to improve. Learn more.

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