August 2024 Product Updates: Engagement Surveys via the Lattice Mobile App, Spanish Support, Flexible Budgets, and More
August brought a wave of exciting innovations at Lattice, all aimed at simplifying and enhancing your HR operations. This month’s new features and functionalities are focused on refining your compensation workflows, providing deeper insights through analytics, and improving platform accessibility for deskless workers.
Elevating Performance with AI-Powered Writing Assist
Lattice AI Writing Assist has streamlined the reviews and feedback writing process for managers and employees. Now, we are adding Writing Assist to our Updates module to make it easier and faster for all Lattice users to refine their weekly updates. Whether you’re jotting down rough notes or crafting detailed updates for managers to review, Writing Assist helps you quickly polish your content. This is part of our ongoing effort to make AI a seamless part of the Lattice platform to improve the efficiency of your writing experience.
Stay tuned! We plan on including Writing Assist in more product areas soon, making it context-aware and even more impactful across our platform.
Learn more about Writing Assist.

Unlocking New Insights with Analytics Enhancements
In August we rolled out a series of quality-of-life improvements across Reviews Reporting, Comp Reporting, and Analytics Explorer for more flexibility and customization. Here’s what’s new:
- Current Group Membership, System Access, and Employment Status Filters: You can now filter data by current group membership, system access, and employment status, ensuring you only see the most relevant data for current employees.
- Direct CSV Downloads: Sometimes less is more — you can now directly download a simplified version of the table data under your data charts for a more streamlined view.
- Collapsible Sidebar: In response to feedback, we’ve added a collapsible sidebar to give you more space for your data charts.
- Compa Ratio and Review Ratings in Analytics Explorer: We've made it possible to chart and break down average compa ratios and review ratings in the Analytics Explorer, Reviews, and Comp Results, allowing for a deeper analysis of compensation equity and performance metrics.
- Reporting Page Table Fixes: Based on customer feedback, we’ve improved the detailed data tables under visualizations within the Analytics Explorer, Comp Cycle Reporting, and Reviews reporting. We moved alternate views to tabs for easier access and added features like quick export, review launch dates, and links to actual reviews.

Enhancing Engagement Accessibility and Action Planning
With shifting employee expectations and a competitive talent market, effectively gauging and responding to employee sentiment has become crucial for organizational success. This month, we made employee engagement more inclusive and actionable with critical product updates.
- Mobile Support for Engagement Surveys: Engagement Surveys are now available on the Lattice mobile app, ensuring that deskless workers can easily participate in surveys, capture real-time feedback, and contribute to more accurate data for informed decision-making.
- Improved Action Planning Control and Privacy: We’ve added the ability to delete and make action plans private. These features also allow plan owners to refine strategies in private before making them public and to clean up any plans created in error.
Supporting Global Businesses and Compensation Flexibility
At Lattice, we are committed to supporting HR leaders worldwide in achieving operational success. This August, we expanded our language capabilities and further refined compensation processes to provide customers with a better platform experience. These updates ensure that our platform meets the diverse needs of organizations worldwide.
- Spanish Language Support: Lattice is now fully available in both European Spanish and Latin American Spanish, broadening accessibility for our Spanish-speaking customers worldwide.
- Flexible Compensation Budgets: We've introduced flexible budget functionalities to better align with diverse compensation philosophies. This allows compensation admins to distribute budgets and provide detailed guidelines with greater adaptability, ensuring your compensation strategies are tailored to your organization’s unique needs.
Learn more about all of our August 2024 releases and our future roadmap by visiting Lattice Product Updates or contacting your Lattice Relationship Manager. Not a Lattice customer? Request a demo to discover how Lattice's new and existing features can help uplevel your company's HR strategy.

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Ensure both are successful with Lattice.