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Lattice Life

Lattice Announces the Invest In Your People Fund

February 25, 2020

At Lattice, we frequently talk about investing in people. A core belief of ours is that when companies invest in their people, it results in more meaningful work as well as more successful companies.

Typically when we talk about investing in people, we’re referring to efforts in management and people operations that lead to a more successful employee experience. Things like employee-centric performance management, frequent measurement of employee engagement, techniques for giving effective feedback, and career-oriented goal setting.

Today, Lattice is excited to announce a new way we’re going even further to literally invest in our people, with the creation of the Invest In Your People Fund. This fund will set aside money for Lattice to invest in our own employees who go on to start their own companies.

The way it works is simple: if you’ve worked at Lattice for at least 3 years and part on amicable terms and if you start a new company within 12 months of leaving, Lattice will offer to invest up to $100,000 either at a $5 million valuation or at the terms of a seed round you are raising, whichever is higher. Lattice will look to support these companies through sharing advice, our network, and even partnership where applicable.

Employee-job fit is crucial for satisfaction and productivity. We work hard at Lattice to help employees find a role that they can thrive in and also meets their own professional growth needs. This is a moving target since the company’s and the employee’s goals can quickly change. Often we’re able to continue to keep meeting this need, but sometimes we’re not — and that’s okay.

When Lattice employees realize it’s time for them to start their own entrepreneurial journey, we want to be there to support them emotionally, tactically, and financially.

Our mission at Lattice is to make work meaningful, and today we’re excited for this mission to extend to helping support the next generation of companies that want to do the same.

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