Gooey <-->
Lattice Life

“It’s great working with people who are so thoughtful about ensuring that we have rituals and processes that can work for everyone:” Teresa Do on Lattice’s Intentional Culture

March 31, 2021

Teresa Do is a UI Engineer at Lattice, where she’s worked for over a year. Here, we talk to her about her journey to the Engineering team, her favorite part of working at Lattice, her love of trance music and dogs, and so much more.

How did you get started in Engineering?

I took a cognitive science course as an elective at some point during college — it was a human-computer interaction course. After that, I realized I wanted to work in a field that allows me to solve technical problems with a focus on human behavior & perception. It’s just such a cool intersection of fields I previously thought were completely independent of each other!

My first internship was with the Foundation for Learning Equality (now Learning Equality), where I worked on implementing some front-end features to improve the app’s onboarding process. Ever since then, I’ve really enjoyed working in any role that focuses on the user experience.

What drew you to Lattice?

At first, the design. When I was job searching, I saw how polished Lattice looked. As a UI-focused engineer, I thought, “Well, they must care about polished user experience and design”. As I read more, it was the core values. I felt that they were very intentional, and I could think of something in my professional or personal life that was a big part of my own growth which would relate back to a core value.

What’s your favorite part of working here?

The level of intentionality and thoughtfulness that manifests in a few different ways. For one, in the culture. In my experience here, people have been very thoughtful about different individuals’ communication styles, different time zones, how certain changes affect team dynamics, etc. It’s great working with people who are so thoughtful about ensuring that we have rituals and processes that can work for everyone.

Secondly, in the product. Although I’m the only UI focused engineer on my team, I appreciate how all my teammates pose thoughtful questions about whether certain things would make sense in our product: “Does this copy work? Is the intention of this user flow clear? How is the tone of our language here?”. It’s great to see my teammates so dedicated to ensuring we ask all the right questions before signing off on the designs for a new feature.

What ERGs are you a member of?

LOUD (Latticians Organizing for Unity and Diversity) :)

Favorite Lattice Slack Channel and why?

#soc-music-electronic or #soc-dogs-of-lattice. Self-explanatory! If I learn that someone’s an electronic music fan (hello any trance fans out there? Be my friend!), I could engage with them for hours about it! 

And like, who doesn’t love dogs? Pictures of furry creatures doing cute things just gets me through my day :).

What’s something you’re passionate about outside of your job?

Trance music and spending time with my dog!

Best day at work?

The launch of our Grow product! It was very satisfying to see months of planning, building, and polishing come to an end for the release. Finally, I could start seeing how people would be using this tool to define their growth at work and what we could do to improve it in future iterations. 

Cheez-Its or Goldfish?

Oof, can I say neither? The only chips I’m really weak for are Hot Cheetos or Takis.

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