Gooey <-->

How Lattice Will Show Up in the Fight Against Racism

July 7, 2020

A little over a month ago, the murder of George Floyd sparked our nation to cast a strong light on the systemic racism across America. The world responded with an outpouring of support, outrage, and action and the collective resolve to say enough is enough, we must change and we must do better.

Like so many other companies, we at Lattice pledged our immediate support with donations to EJI, NAACP, and other related causes. We made clear in writing that we have not and will never tolerate any amount of discrimination or bigotry at our company, and that we stand in solidarity with those fighting for racial equality.

But we knew that wasn’t enough. We know that creating lasting change requires an ongoing commitment that lasts much longer than a moment kicked off by the horrific killings we have all borne witness to. We wanted to commit to lasting, meaningful change.

Throughout June, we crowdsourced ideas from all Lattice employees about how we could contribute in enduring ways to the fight against racism and for a more equal and just world. Our plan was to create a comprehensive list that we will use to publicly hold ourselves accountable. Each initiative has an internal owner, executive sponsor, and pledged resources to ensure success. We will share our progress on these initiatives at 6 and 12 month intervals.

Here are our commitments:

Partnerships and Hiring

  • Create a formal Advisor role, both to partner around our ongoing internal DE&I work and to help guide future product development in ways that support DE&I
  • Start an internship program for Summer 2021 with a specific eye towards bringing 3 people from underrepresented backgrounds into tech
  • Use platforms specifically designed to source candidates from underrepresented groups
  • Update our About Us page to amplify our DE&I efforts and appeal to a broader group of candidates
  • Conduct ongoing interview training for Lattice employees to ensure unbiased interviewing

Employee education

  • Host internal allyship and unconscious bias workshops to better educate our employees
  • Conduct manager training and provide resources related to DE&I
  • Drive fluency in relevant ideas such as intersectionality

Transparency and accountability

  • Publish our compensation philosophy and conduct bi-annual pay equity reviews
  • Publish our diversity stats and initiatives publicly

Lattice culture and policies

  • Annual observation of the Juneteenth holiday
  • Make Federal Election Day a company wide holiday in presidential election years
  • Create opportunities for new hires to share stories/insights about their originating culture or family
  • Include core concept of DE&I into our company Core Operating Principles
  • Highlight our LOUD (Latticians Organizing Unity and Diversity) ERG members and host educational fireside chats during All Hands.
  • Offer Lattice for free to nonprofits that are doing work on behalf of racial and social equality


  • We'll commit to improving content and features in our tools to help People teams, managers, and individual contributors learn; as well as improve data visibility, planning, and follow-through to drive action.

We at Lattice are committed to being part of the change. We're committed to using our platform and our product to inform and educate others as well as learning and bettering ourselves.

We know that real change will require us to devote our time, energy and resources toward making a difference and we’re ready to rise to the occasion. Our team is excited to start this work and we can't wait to share on progress soon.

Team Lattice

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