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Bâtissez une culture d’entreprise où chacun s’épanouit

Obtenez des insights en temps réel pour élaborer une stratégie claire en matière de diversité, d’équité et d’inclusion.

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Logo of Vueling

Apprenez à connaître vos collaborateurs

Visualisez la situation démographique de vos salariés (et son évolution dans le temps) pour mieux comprendre les besoins de vos équipes.

Assurez-vous que vos programmes de compétences soient équitables

Assurez-vous que vos programmes de développement de compétences soient équitables pour tous, quels que soient le genre, l’âge, l’ethnie et l’orientation sexuelle.

Identifiez les signaux faibles et agissez rapidement

Vérifiez que l’ensemble de vos collaborateurs sont traités avec respect et soutenus par votre organisation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is DEIB Analytics?

DEIB Analytics refers to tools and processes that provide real-time insights into an organization's diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging metrics. These analytics help develop informed strategies to foster a culture where everyone can thrive.

How does Lattice's DEIB Analytics help understand workforce demographics?

Lattice's DEIB Analytics allows organizations to see the demographic breakdown of employees across various dimensions, such as gender, age, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. It also tracks how these demographics change over time, enabling better understanding and support of the diverse needs of the workforce.

Can Lattice's DEIB Analytics assess the fairness of performance programs?

Yes, Lattice's DEIB Analytics helps organizations understand if their performance programs and processes are being implemented and executed equitably across all demographics. This ensures that performance evaluations are fair and unbiased.

How can Lattice's DEIB Analytics identify cultural issues within an organization?

Lattice's DEIB Analytics provides insights into whether specific employee groups feel a sense of belonging, are treated with respect, and are supported by the organization. By identifying these cultural red flags, companies can act quickly to address and resolve them.

What are the benefits of using Lattice's DEIB Analytics?

Utilizing Lattice's DEIB Analytics enables organizations to develop informed DEIB strategies, ensure equitable implementation of performance programs, and proactively address cultural issues. This leads to a more inclusive and supportive work environment where all employees can thrive.

How does Lattice's DEIB Analytics support the development of DEIB strategies?

By providing real-time insights into workforce demographics and the effectiveness of performance programs, Lattice's DEIB Analytics equips organizations with the data needed to develop and refine their DEIB strategies effectively.

Vos collaborateurs sont votre entreprise

Garantissez votre réussite mutuelle avec Lattice.

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