Die Leistung verbessern durch kontinuierliches Feedback
Teilen Sie wertvolles Mitarbeiterfeedback – jederzeit statt nur einmal im Jahr.
Feedback stärkt die Performance
Durch Echtzeit-Feedback unter Kolleg*innen, zwischen Untergebenen und Vorgesetzten oder zwischen Teams erhalten die Mitarbeitenden konkrete Anhaltspunkte, wie sie ihre Leistung und ihr Engagement verbessern können.

Feedback mit anderen teilen – egal, wo Sie arbeiten
Lattice macht den Austausch von Feedback einfacher und sichtbarer, da es in Slack, Microsoft Teams, als Mobilversion und mit Ihrem E-Mail-Anbieter integriert werden kann.

Bessere Leistungsbewertungen in kürzerer Zeit
Beim Verfassen von Beurteilungen ihrer direkten Mitarbeitenden können Führungskräfte eine KI-generierte Zusammenfassung sehen – basierend auf dem Feedback, das diese Person während des Beurteilungszeitraums erhalten hat. Dies hilft ihnen, objektiv hervorzuheben, was gut gelaufen ist und wo es auf der Grundlage des funktionsübergreifenden Feedbacks noch Entwicklungspotenzial gibt.

Feedback von den richtigen Personen bekommen
Durch das Feedback von Kolleg*innen gewinnen Beschäftigte Erkenntnisse über ihre Arbeitsweise und die Bereiche, in denen sie sich verbessern können. Mitarbeitende können sogar Feedback von externen Teams wie z. B. Kunden einholen, um zu erfahren, wie die Zusammenarbeit bewertet wird.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is employee feedback software?
Employee feedback software enables organizations to facilitate and track real-time feedback between employees, managers, and teams. Effective employee feedback software is easy and simple for teams to use - meaning they’re more likely to provide and engage with feedback compared to traditional methods. This promotes continuous growth and development, driving performance across your organization.
How does Lattice's employee feedback software enhance performance?
When people can understand how they’re doing, they unlock the first step to getting better. Lattice's platform allows for real-time feedback, enabling employees to share and receive insights promptly. This immediacy helps guide growth throughout the year, ensuring that feedback is timely and actionable. Employees get to see what they’ve done well, where they can do better, and request follow-up feedback to measure performance enhancement over time.
How does Lattice ensure feedback is fair?
Lattice’s software includes tools to summarize feedback trends over time and uses sentiment analysis to identify patterns. Managers can make more objective decisions by using feedback data linked to performance metrics.
What features does Lattice offer for peer feedback?
Lattice facilitates peer-to-peer feedback with tools for sharing praise, providing suggestions, and gathering feedback from colleagues. These tools encourage collaboration and help employees build stronger working relationships.
Can feedback be shared with external collaborators through Lattice?
Yes, employees can request feedback from external teams, such as clients or customers, to gain insights into collaborative efforts and improve performance.
How does Lattice integrate with communication tools for feedback?
Lattice integrates with platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and email, allowing users to share praise and feedback directly within these tools, ensuring recognition is timely and visible.
What role does AI play in Lattice's feedback process?
When writing downward reviews, managers can access AI-generated insights based on the feedback their report has received during the review period. This helps highlight strengths and areas for improvement objectively.
Does Lattice integrate feedback with other HR functions?
Yes! Lattice links feedback to performance reviews, goals, and engagement metrics. This integration allows organizations to connect feedback to broader people strategies, making it easier to identify trends and act on insights.
How does Lattice promote a culture of recognition?
Lattice's Feedback & Praise feature enables public acknowledgment of employee achievements, fostering a culture of recognition and motivating employees to perform at their best.
What support does Lattice offer during implementation?
Lattice provides comprehensive support during implementation, including guidance on customizing the platform to fit your organization's specific requirements, ensuring a smooth transition and effective utilization of the software.

Ihre Mitarbeiter sind Ihr Geschäft
Sichern Sie den Erfolg – mit Lattice.