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Lattice Life

"That dedication to putting people first is still clear over a year later:" Emily Cook on Caring for Customers at Lattice

October 2, 2020

Emily Beugelmans Cook is a People Strategy Consultant at Lattice, where she’s worked for over a year. Here, we talk to her about how her personal mission to make workplaces more humanistic led her to Lattice, the ERGs she’s a part of, and her passion for the Classics (languages).

How did you get started in the customer experience field?

I joined the Customer Experience department as a Customer Success Manager in June 2019. 

What drew you to Lattice?

Simply put, Lattice stood apart from other companies in its culture and commitment to delighting customers. 

When I had started my job search, I knew that I wanted to work at a company whose values aligned closely with my own. It’s my personal mission to make workplaces more humanistic (I’m a former liberal arts teacher, after all!), so I was looking to move to a company that understood the importance of human connection and relationships. From my first phone screen to my onsite interview, it was clear how much Lattice cares about its employees and customers. That dedication to putting people first is still clear over a year later! 

What’s your favorite part of working here?

My favorite part of Lattice is the people, hands down! There are a couple of reasons why that’s true for me. 

First, Lattice is made up of some of the most caring, warm people I’ve had the fortune of meeting. For example, onboarding is such a critical time when you transition into a new role, and it can be a make or break time for your long term success with the company. Even before I started I received a ton of emails and LinkedIn messages welcoming me to the team, and when I got to the office, I had a calendar full of welcome coffee dates. I could tell that people actually wanted to get to know me and help me succeed. 

Second, I really believe that being surrounded by high performers is key for your own growth. I get to work with some of the most talented, hardworking, and smart people at Lattice. It inspires me to do my best work and reach new heights in my career. 

What ERGs are you a member of?

I’m a proud Lattice Ladies member and officer.  Our mission is to advance the professional development and empowerment of women in tech through education, mentorship, and cross-functional connection, with the ultimate goal of building a more inclusive workplace. 

I became an officer because after spending the majority of my working life in predominantly male spaces, I came to understand how important female mentorship was to my own career development. Having the opportunity to support other women and create a more inclusive space in technology is one of the most fulfilling parts of working at Lattice. 

What’s your favorite Lattice Slack Channel and why?

Foodies of Lattice! Living in the Bay Area means we have a ton of great food options, so it’s super fun to get recommendations from colleagues. Plus, I love seeing everyone’s baking and cooking projects. We’re even creating a Lattice employee cookbook where we can share our most loved recipes! 

What’s something you’re passionate about outside of your job?

Before working at Lattice I was studying for my PhD in Classical Languages and Literature and taught Latin at the college level. I’m still passionate about my old field and mentor other academics who are looking to transition into tech. I love the fact that I can remain active in the Classics community and give back to it in a new way. 

Tell us about your best day at work!

The day we launched our new product, Grow, was incredible. Even though we were all working remotely at the time, the excitement was still palpable through Slack. 

Cheez-Its or Goldfish?

Cheez-Its all day, every day. Goldfish are so bland! 

Lattice works with People teams across the globe to turn managers into leaders, employees into high-performers, and companies into the best places to work. Interested in joining our team? Check our Careers page for all open positions across a variety of departments.

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