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Lattice Life

“Lattice’s values are the essence of everything we do:” Chase Simmons on Delighting Guests through Experiences

November 2, 2020

Chase Simmons is a Field Marketing Manager at Lattice, where he’s worked for over a year. Here, we talk to him about his unconventional path to the Marketing team at Lattice, the ERGs he’s a part of, and the best Slack channel at work (in his opinion).

How did you get started in Marketing?

I had an unconventional career path that led me to Marketing. I worked at a credit union as an Operations Manager all through college (and a little after), and then made a big switch to hospitality management when I moved to San Francisco. 

I then found myself at an HR start-up as a Customer Success Manager. After a year in that position, I was invited to join the marketing team as a Field Marketer. I did not really know much about marketing when I joined the team, but I quickly fell in love with the work. 

My job focus was events which are right up my alley with my hospitality background. I learned the ins and outs of webinars, thought-leadership summits, panel discussions, VIP activations, and was given the opportunity to co-lead the planning of a full brand conference. I fell in love with surprising and delighting guests through experiences that offer education and build community. 

I now get to continue this work as Field Marketing Manager at Lattice and the second member of the Lattice events team!

What drew you to Lattice?

Before joining Lattice, I was working in the HR software space. Lattice had this reputation of having a great product, an inclusive work culture, and amazing people — all things I was looking for in my next career opportunity. 

Luckily for me I was able to get the inside scoop about Lattice from a current employee who confirmed everything I heard. Not only did Lattice’s reputation precede itself but the values that they stand by also aligned with mine; it almost seemed too good to be true. So, when an opportunity opened up, I went for it and got the position. 

Now that I have been at Lattice for a little over a year, I can confirm that Lattice’s reputation of having a great product, an inclusive work culture, and amazing people holds true! I can also confirm that Lattice’s values are not just words on a wall but actually are the essence of everything we do. 

What’s your favorite part of working here?

I know it is so cliche, to say but my favorite part about working at Lattice is the people. The people here are friendly, passionate, and empathetic. 

Since my first day at Lattice I have felt welcomed and valued. Everyone has this passion and drive that is inspiring and has helped me step up my game. My team has created a space where I can bring my whole self to work, which allows me the opportunity to grow professionally and personally. It is refreshing to be surrounded by teammates who are supportive, inspiring, and who value the unique perspective that I bring to the table. 

What ERGs are you a member of?

I am a proud member and ERG lead for both Pride at Lattice and LOUD (Latticians Organizing for Unity and Diversity). 

Being part of an ERG at Lattice has been super fulfilling and has given me the opportunity to be directly involved in how Lattice fosters a diverse and inclusive work environment. Creating safe places like Pride and LOUD is very important to me because I feel that everyone should be able to come to work and succeed no matter their race, socioeconomic status, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, ability, spirituality, immigration/refugee status, language, and education.

What is your favorite Lattice Slack Channel and why?

My favorite Slack channel is Dogs of Lattice because well...DOGS!

What’s something you’re passionate about outside of your job?

My passions outside of my job are trying new foods and running. I have a big appetite for trying new things, and exploring the Bay Area’s restaurants has really allowed me to do that. Along with trying new foods, running has allowed me to explore new parts of San Francisco you don’t always get to see by driving around or staying on natural walking paths. 

Plus, eating and running have this natural symbiosis: all the food I eat helps fuel my running habit and vice versa. 

Favorite office snack?

My favorite office snack is chocolate covered almonds. They are the perfect pick me up in the afternoons. 

Cheez Its or Goldfish?

Cheez Its for sure! You got to love that dash of salt that Goldfish are clearly lacking. 

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