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Lattice Life

“It was love at first sight. No questions:” Courtney Dunn on Finding Her Path at Lattice

July 18, 2022

Courtney Dunn is a Senior Customer Care Associate at Lattice, where she has worked for over 2 years. Here, we talk to her about her journey to the Customer Care team, her favorite part of working at Lattice, how Lattice helped her grow in her career, and so much more.

How did you get started in Customer Care?

My story actually starts with Sales! Shout out to another stellar team. I transitioned from the perspective of “Here's why you should get to know Lattice!” to “Let me help you understand what Lattice does.” The Customer Care perspective allows me to get closer to the product itself which is more of my particular interest.  

What drew you to Lattice?

I came across Lattice through my previous company. I first understood its value as an end-user when we had our first review cycle using the software. Then, fast forward to the interview and interacting with everyone in person at the time — it was love at first sight. No questions.

I wanted to be a part of the team and the mission the company was looking to accomplish. 

What’s your favorite part of working here?

The people, enough said. As we continued to have rapid growth during COVID, I became more and more impressed by how Lattice has made a tremendous effort to keep us as connected as possible. While I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting everyone just yet, those I have come across all seem like the perfect puzzle piece to keep this puzzle going. It’s been fun.

The swag is also pretty nice too, just saying. 

What ERGs are you a member of?

I am currently a part of the Women of Lattice, LOUD, and PRIDE ERGs. Each is very different in its own right, but all support empowerment in the community it serves. There are fundraisers, charitable donations that are matched by the company, guest speakers that represent and make an impact on the community they are uplifting, swag that narrates and provides representation for the ERG, and more.

There are multiple avenues, outlets, and channels to feel like you are connected and can make an impact, even if just as an ally. 

Favorite Lattice Slack Channel and why?

I no longer have my pups, but I occasionally need my fix of some fluff idealization so #soc-dogs-of-lattice brings a smile to my face every time. 

What’s something you’re passionate about outside of your job?

I am still actively involved with sports and basketball. I still continue to mentor and teach the youth when I’m not at work.

How do you think Lattice has helped you grow in your career?

Transitioning from Sales to the Customer Care team is already growth in itself. Currently, I am working with my manager to help me continue down my career path with a transition to the Engineering team as my end goal.

The Lattice Grow tool has allowed me to get visibility into tracks associated with the role and how I can work my way towards it as a goal. Additionally, as a Senior Associate on our Customer Care team, I get exposure to other Engineers at the company while working on cross-functional projects. This has given me the opportunity to build relationships with other Engineers to help guide me on my path of becoming an Engineer. 

Best day at work?

Biased, but my first day was pretty memorable! I have never felt so welcomed by a company in my life. I also never had so many coffee chats in one day as well.

Back then, you could expense your coffee to meet the new kid in town. It was a great way to connect and bond with your new coworkers with a little flair and an excuse to walk and get outside. It was so refreshing.

Cheez-Its or Goldfish?

I love both here, but if I had to choose: Cheez-Its.

Why? Because I think Cheez-Its pack a little more flavor on the cheddar. I am all about the cheese taste and it’s much stronger on the Cheez-Its side. We can get down to the extra cheddar editions, and Cheez-Its will always come out the winner.

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