Lattice Product Updates
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Release notes
At Lattice, innovation fuels our every move. Explore our latest product releases and updates, designed to make your Lattice experience even better.
- Engagement Question Bank Refresh: We’ve made a research-backed update of 11 Lattice Engagement template questions for greater clarity and context from our Lattice Advisory Services (LAS) team. You can read more about the question bank here.
- Lattice Engagement navigation wins: For admins, now when exiting a full-screen survey, it takes you back to the Survey Auditing page instead of the default admin page so you can keep on moving. For users, you can now quickly access your Lattice Engagement content like shared views and action plans with a new entry point directly in the primary navigation bar.
- Reminders to managers for career vision kick-off: Last month, we released the ability for admins to send a notification to all managers, prompting them to kickoff career conversations. Now, we’ve set up an automatic reminder notification that will be sent to managers one week after that initial notification. This follow-up notification is default On if an admin has scheduled the initial notification. These notifications will help admins to drive adoption of the IDP tool across their company! Learn more.
- OKRs & Goals Update Screen: This new update flow allows goal owners to quickly and easily provide a status update on all of their goals in one swift motion – helping to make goals are always up to date and don’t go forgotten. Learn more.
- New Improvements to the Calibration Experience for Admins: We’ve enhanced the admin experience for calibrations with updates to the settings, filtering, and grouping functions within Calibrations. Admins can now filter review analytics by calibration groups to quickly see rating responses for subsets of reviewees. Admins can now also add reviewees to calibration groups while they are already in a group. Lastly, Admins can copy the settings of a calibration group and apply those settings across all other calibration groups rather than applying settings one by one. Learn more about updating settings across calibration groups.
- Review Cycle Setup Redesign: This new visual overhaul aims to make review setup more intuitive. Learn how to create a review cycle.
- Admin-created 1:1 templates: Managers want to hold productive and meaningful conversations with their direct reports, but they often need guidance on how and when to discuss certain topics. This new feature enables Admins to provide 1:1 templates to their managers so they can easily facilitate different types of key conversations. Read more on how to create a 1:1 template.
- 1:1 Action Items Due Dates |1:1 action items can now be assigned due dates. This feature will help managers provide more clear expectations to their direct reports, and help direct reports stay accountable and communicate progress on tasks. Read more about how to manage your 1:1 action items.
- Introducing Lattice Compensation: Early access to Lattice Compensation is officially available to Lattice Customers! With Lattice Compensation, your team can include performance data in your compensation review, and use it to provide raise guidance for employee salaries. Managers and department leads can use notes to provide context when a recommendation falls outside the raise guidance, while admins benefit from a streamlined setup and progress tracking. If you’re interested in learning more, reach out to your CSM or sign up for our waitlist and we’ll follow up with you!
- Refreshed Company Page: We’ve given the Company Page a new look, adding layout and usability improvements, a new Key Links section, a miniature Praise Wall, and easier access to settings. Check out your new Company page and learn how to take advantage of the new layout here.
- Development 1:1 Templates: It’s important for your managers to provide career development to their direct reports, but it’s a daunting task to ensure that they know how to do so effectively. Our new templates can help you ensure managers run regular, high-quality development conversations. These templates provide best practices for these conversations and can be conveniently embedded into 1:1s. Learn how to activate Development 1:1 Templates at your organization.
- Career Vision Kick-Off Notifications: Admins can now build and schedule a notification to all managers prompting them to kickoff or continue working on Individual Development Plans with their employees. These notifications will help encourage more regular career conversations. Learn more about how to build a kick-off notification.
- Grow Track Admin Permissions: Track Admins now have access to Grow Track templates and can be given the ability to publish tracks. Learn how to allow Track Admins to publish tracks.
- Grow Track Auditing Enhancement: On the Grow tracks auditing page, Admins can now see who made the latest change to a track and the timestamp of when that change was made. Read more on how to view when a track was last modified.
- Bulk Upload Active Goals: Now, no matter where your team brainstorms and finalizes OKRs and goals, you can now efficiently import all of them at once into Lattice as active goals (in addition to historical) via CSV. Learn more about how to bulk upload goals.
- An Easier Way to Update All of Your Goals in Lattice OKRs & Goals: Goal owners can now quickly and easily provide status updates on all of their goals in one swift motion. Whether you are updating your goals from the homepage, Goals Explore page, or an update notification, you’ll automatically be taken to all of your owned goals to provide status updates. This new feature helps make sure that none of your company priorities slip through the cracks and that everything stays up to date. Learn more.
- Improved Calibrations Experience: Now, you can add up to 5 new default attributions to your calibration table including one of our most frequently requested fields: start date. These additions help ensure all relevant demographic information is in your calibration table so you don’t have to switch screens mid-session to get additional information. In addition, employee pronouns are visible during calibration so employees are referred to accurately during calibration sessions. Learn more about using calibrations in your review cycle.
- Edit Questions in Reviews Templates: Admins can now make edits to questions in a template, even if the template is being used in an active review cycle. Admins can edit the label, description, tag, and question in any Reviews template. All edits made to questions from the template bank will be applied for future uses of the template. Any edited questions in the template bank will also be updated in the question bank as well. Learn more about editing questions in a Reviews template.
- Past Reviews Now Available in Manager Context Panels in Reviews: Managers are now able to reference past reviews while writing their manager summary during a review cycle. By making past reviews more easily accessible, we can help managers reduce things like recency bias and streamline their review writing process. Learn more about how to add past reviews to context panels in Lattice.
- Exit Surveys for Lattice Engagement: With Exit Surveys, People Teams can not only measure the employee experience at every phase, but identify the parts of work life that lead to attrition. This is crucial not only because the Great Resignation presents short term challenges for companies to retain their employees, but long-term changes in what employees need from work. Learn more about Exit Surveys.
- Refreshed Lattice Engagement Benchmarks: We’ve refreshed our Lattice Engagement benchmarks with the latest data from 2021. For the first time, we’re publishing eight segmented benchmarks for our top industries, size segments, and geographies so you can compare your company’s results against the most relevant groups for you. Read more about Lattice Engagement Benchmarks.
- No row limit when adding employees to Grow tracks via CSV upload: We have removed row limits on the size of the file that you can upload to assign employees to Grow tracks. Now, you can add all your employees to Grow tracks with just one file upload. Read more about bulk assigning tracks and levels via CSV.
- New custom role permission for viewing Growth Areas: Grow now allows you to assign custom role members to view the Grow tabs of employees in their target group. With this new permission, HRBPs can easily gain visibility into the Growth Areas of the employees whose managers they partner with. Learn how to configure employee-specific custom role permissions in Grow.
- Expanding Pronouns to Manager Tools and Grow: We’ve released pronouns in Manager Tools and Grow! As a part of Lattice’s commitment to building an inclusive platform, this feature will help users see teammate's pronouns when creating/updating/viewing 1:1s, Feedback, Updates, and Growth Areas. Learn more about pronouns to your Lattice profile.
- Manager Overrides for Career Vision Feature: Managers are now able to create their own Career Vision questions. The manager-created questions will only apply to their direct reports, enabling them to customize the Career Vision template to perfectly suit their team. Learn more about manager-created Career Vision questions here.
- Design Enhancements to OKRs & Goals: Based on your feedback, we’ve made a few updates to Lattice OKRs & Goals including: the ability to remove a priority once it’s applied to a goal, a refreshed goal creation form that simpler and easier to complete, and a fix to the goals sidebar to ensure the page doesn’t jump when you close it.
- Edit Questions in Reviews: After a review is launched admins can now edit questions in the Lattice platform instead of making a request through their CSM. Admins can now edit the question title, description, question response labels, along with changing the question visibility. Learn more about editing questions in an active review.
- Connect Calibration Notes to Manager Context Panel: Last December, we launched the ability for admins & calibration session participants to take notes within our calibration tool. Now, managers will also be able to access those notes after calibration ends in their context panel! They’ll be able to see notes for their reports through both “you” and “teams” tabs. By including calibration notes in the manager context panel in performance reviews, managers can easily find and reference context from earlier parts of the review process and use that information to finalize written feedback. Learn more about adding calibration notes to a manager’s context panel.
- Individual Development Plans: Employee development is critical for engaging and retaining your top talent, but it isn’t always easy to implement. With our new Individual Development Plan functionality, you’ll activate your entire company in an aligned development process that enables both long-and short-term career development. Learn more about how our new Career Vision feature enables you to easily roll out IDPs across your company.
- Job Architecture: Job Architecture is the central framework used to align levels, people, and jobs across a company – and you can now configure elements of your Job Architecture in Grow. You’ll be able to seamlessly sync employees to Grow tracks, and if you’re planning to use our forthcoming Compensation product, you’ll be able to sync employees to both Grow tracks and Comp bands once Compensation has launched. Learn more about Job Architecture.
- Goal Status Customization & Progress UX Enhancements: Now, you can fully customize the status labels your company uses to measure and share OKR and goal progress to match your company’s existing vocab (default: “On track,” “Progressing,” and “Off track”) . Plus, you can also add definitions to each status to ensure everyone in your company is measuring progress by the same standard, creating consistency and accuracy within your program. Learn how to customize your goal status labels and definitions here.
- Lattice OKRs & Goals: Teams can now purchase and use Lattice OKRs & Goals as a standalone product to better support goal admins who may not sit directly within the HR function. This update has no effect on your current Lattice subscription or access to OKRs & Goals. Learn more about this announcement.
- Expanding Pronouns to Goals: As a part of Lattice's commitment to building an inclusive platform, we have added the ability to see team member’s pronouns when creating, updating, and viewing Goals. Learn more about adding pronouns to your Lattice profile.
- Calibration Usability Improvements: Calibrations enable teams to run more consistent and equitable performance reviews. This month, we delivered a few enhancements to streamline calibration activities for admins. We’ve added more guidance about the types of data admins can export from calibrations, and added new fields to CSV exports to make it easier to leverage calibration data in reports built in other systems. We also improved the calibration experience by adding keyboarding controls when adding tags to reviewees. Learn more about using calibrations in your review cycle.
- Expanding Pronouns to Reviews: As a part of Lattice's commitment to building an inclusive platform, we have added the ability to see team member’s pronouns during Reviews. In reviews, managers and employees completing reviews will be reminded of the reviewee’s pronouns. Learn more about adding pronouns to your Lattice profile.
- Onboarding Surveys in Lattice Engagement: Your new hires should feel like they belong from day one and Lattice’s new Onboarding Surveys help you deliver great new hire experiences. With automated Onboarding Surveys, People teams can not only measure but optimize the new hire experience for every single employee. Learn more about how to set up and administer Onboarding Surveys.
- Track Level Description Fields: Admins can now add descriptions for each track level in a Grow track. This change makes it easier for you to ensure your employees can easily find the summary of expectations for their level in Grow. Read more about how to edit levels in a track.
- Purpose-built Groups Administration Tools: We’ve created a new custom role with Group Admin permissions for creation and assignment. We also introduced bulk assignment for Groups through a swift and easy CSV upload.
- Goal Start Date Fields: Goal owners can now add and change start dates for each of their goals. This update gives your team the flexibility they need to smoothly manage their program by providing clear, up-to-date timelines. Learn how to add and edit your goal’s start date.
- Review Packet Reordering: We’ve added new flexibility around the way you can order and group questions in review packets at the end of a cycle. Review questions can now be organized by question or by reviewer, making it easier for managers to use the review packet to guide conversations and for employees to digest review feedback. We’re planning an even bigger update to review packets later this spring so stay tuned for more exciting updates! Learn how to share review packets as an admin.
- Feedback Reactions: Now, when someone receives Praise in Lattice, employees can add Emoji reactions to celebrate their colleagues’ recognition and achievement. Read more about Feedback Reactions.
- Pronouns in Lattice: Lattice is committed to building a more inclusive platform, and gender pronouns play an important role in creating a welcoming community for members of all gender identities. The "Pronouns" field in Lattice allows users to add their gender pronouns to their Lattice profile and let others know how to refer to them.
- Revamped Org Chart and Directory Navigation: We have introduced new UX/UI updates to both the org chart page and to org chart cards, including pronouns on cards for employees who have added pronouns, color-coded cards based on department, reporting chain details, horizontal and vertical orientation, and an updated Goals UI. We’ve also added the ability to download your org chart as an image, introduced employee search capabilities within the Org Chart, and made the Org Chart more discoverable with a link from both Home and Company pages. Learn more about how to use the Lattice Org Chart.
- Goal Groups: Historically, cross-functional teams and sub-departments have struggled with goal setting in Lattice because our goal types didn't reflect where they sit in the company. We just had 3 goal types— Individual, Department, and Company. Now, with the Group goal types, this allows these teams to be met where they are and allow them to set goals at the appropriate level. Learn how to create a group goal.
- Calibration Notes: Calibration notes allow admins or session participants to add context, capture meeting discussion, and document final scoring decisions on an individual without having to leave Lattice, which increases the risk of data exposure. Notes can only be seen within the calibration session and won’t appear in the context panel or anywhere else in Lattice (although this is something we are considering in the future). Super admins/calibration admins can grant permissions to session participants to add/view notes. Read more about adding and managing calibration notes.
- Calibration Tagging: Now, when reviewees fall between groups, scores, promotions, or just need extra attention, calibration tags are an easy way to add structured data for sorting/filtering, so you can easily manage the next steps or flag outliers. This can help with retention risk and promotion situations. Learn more about how to create an assign a tag to a reviewee.
- Growth Area Actions: Employees often don’t know where to start when it comes to developmental goals. Coming in just a couple of days to Grow, employees and their managers can attach Action Items to a Growth Area, making it easier to achieve and track progress on development areas.
- Goals Reporting Drilldown: We've introduced new Goals reporting functionality that allows you to see specific goal details and even take actions on goals. For example, you can now click into goal numbers to see a list of goals and even open a sidebar for each goal similar to the explore page directly from the Participation and Status reporting pages. This functionality creates new user, manager and department drill down pages which will be useful for viewing different groups of goals together. We've also included clickable donut charts and employee dropdowns to make it even easier to get more information from Goals reporting. Learn more about Goals reporting.
- Filter Reviews by Start Date: Now we've included the attribute Start Date as a field that can be used to filter and select specific employees when determining who should participate in the upcoming review cycle. This is only applicable to org chart reviews and is not yet available for project-based reviews and automated rules.
- Pronouns in Lattice: Lattice is committed to building a more inclusive platform, and gender pronouns play an important role in creating a welcoming community for members of all gender identities. The "Pronouns" field in Lattice allows users to add their gender pronouns to their Lattice profile and let others know how to refer to them. You can now add pronouns in the pronouns field in both the registration form and in your account settings, and edit your pronouns at any time in account settings. If you choose to add pronouns to this field, they will be displayed in various places across Lattice next to your name. Start using your pronouns in Lattice.
- Custom Attributes in ADP Integration: We are bringing the ADP HRIS integration to feature parity with our other HRIS integrations by allowing mutual ADP and Lattice clients to sync custom attributes from ADP to Lattice. Learn more about the Lattice integration with ADP.
- Growth Area Quicklink: Our homepage now offers users an easy, one-click way to create a growth area in Grow, making it easy for you to keep your growth plan top-of-mind.