Upcoming Events & Webinars

Join us for events and webinars on all things people management and HR.

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Community Events

Register for our upcoming RfH Virtual Meetup for lean HR teams and teams of 1 in EMEA! Our meetups are an inclusive space for HR professionals based in EMEA to connect, collaborate, and support each other. This open community conversation hosted by Resources for Humans members is an opportunity for you to ask questions, share your personal experiences, and develop deeper connections with other HR/People Ops professionals!
Register for our monthly RfH Virtual Meetup — an inclusive space for any of our community members interested in DEIB to connect, collaborate, and support each other. This open community conversation hosted by Resources for Humans members is an opportunity for you to ask questions, share your personal experiences, and develop deeper connections with other DEIB and HR professionals in RfH!
Register for our RfH Virtual Meetup — an inclusive space for Bay Area-based community members to connect, collaborate, and support each other. This open community conversation hosted by Resources for Humans members is an opportunity for you to ask questions, share your personal experiences, and develop deeper connections with HR/People Ops professionals in your area! This informal meetup will be loosely structured but we will focus on employee engagement and benefits strategies. At the end of the call, attendees will be joined for a short AMA with the Founder and CEO of Ahara, a nutrition-based startup partnering with Justworks and the like to offer personalized nutrition benefits to your employees.

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