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State of People Strategy: Delivering HR Results in Times of Change

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State of People Strategy: Delivering HR Results in Times of Change
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Andy Przystanski
Sr. Content Manager
Farrah Mitra
Founder & Executive Coach
Green Reed

Over the last three years, organizations navigated a global pandemic, the switch to remote work, and a Great Resignation. Next in line: economic uncertainty, inflation, and a potential recession. For some HR leaders, it’s all in a day’s work.

So, what’s their secret? The 2023 State of People Strategy Report distills the perspectives, priorities, and challenges of the highest-performing HR teams around the world. Lattice surveyed over 800 leaders on the issues that matter most to today’s workplaces, from pay transparency to hybrid work — and we can’t wait to share the results with you.

Join us as ​​Andy Przystanski, Content Marketing Lead at Lattice, and Farrah Mitra, Leadership Development + Executive Coach at Green Reed, discuss the report’s key findings and their implications for your team and organization at large.

You’ll learn:

  • Why the majority of HR leaders are prioritizing retention over talent acquisition
  • Why the pay-for-performance model has gained popularity (and what that means for engagement)
  • Why compensation transparency is mission-critical for modern companies

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