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People Success in Practice: Designing Talent Management Programs in an Evolving Landscape

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People Success in Practice: Designing Talent Management Programs in an Evolving Landscape
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Amanda Myton
Talent Leader

There’s no question that times are changing. In an evolving business landscape, it’s essential to understand the talent within your organization so you can drive long-term success. When waters are choppy, you need a clear picture of your team’s strengths — this way, you can redeploy efforts and keep the ship afloat. 

Want to learn the ins and outs of designing an effective talent management program? We’re here to help. Join us as Lattice Advisory Service expert, Amanda Myton, and Product Marketer, Gabby Glumac, discuss:

  • Why designing a thoughtful talent management program is top of mind for modern people leaders 
  • How to engage department leaders in understanding your organization’s talent landscape 
  • What truly drives high-performing organizations, from a people perspective
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