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Watch how Lattice can drive $3.5m in benefits for companies and deliver a 195% Return on investing in your people in our on-demand webinar.

Katy Tynan
Principal Analyst
Amy Harrison
Senior TEI Consultant
Julia Markish
Director, People Advisory Services

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The Business Impact of the Lattice Platform


Three-year total benefits


Three-year return on investment

3 months

Payback period


Attrition rates plummeted nearly 40%


Employee engagement heightened

More time

Thousands of employees hours saved

The Voice of the Customer

See how Lattice can drive $3.5m in benefits for companies across multiple elements of the employee experience and people strategy in this Lattice-commissioned study by Forrester Consulting.

Download the study
Before Lattice, engagement score was 50%; because of that, our turnover was enormous. We had a 30% or 40% turnover rate last year.

Near the end of last year and the beginning of this year, we have a much higher adoption rate for OKRs, and we’re getting a lot more engagement in 1-on-1s of people checking in with their OKRs, etc.

Our turnover rate is currently 4% and our engagement score is 72%
— HR Business Partner, Technology
When everyone had a batched review exactly the same time, everything came to a standstill for about a week. Everyone would be  focusing on writing the review. We rely a lot upon peer feedback in the reviews. There are 5 peers that are asked for feedback. I was writing up to 20 reviews at the time.

Essentially the company would come to a standstill all at once… About a week’s worth of productivity was being lost.
— People Operations Analyst, Financial
I have a limited L&D budget. I’m not wasting those dollars on skills that are random. Instead of telling the finance team ‘hey, these two people want to take a writing course,’ I can say: ‘A lot of people in this group received feedback on written communication. Let’s send 20 people to a training session.
— VP People, Technology