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Ziele schneller erreichen – mit Status-Updates in Echtzeit

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Mitarbeitende halten ihr Team auf dem Laufenden und weisen auf Probleme hin

Mitarbeitende beantworten Update-Fragen, um ihrem Team zu zeigen, woran sie arbeiten und wo sie Hilfe benötigen. HR-Teams und Führungskräfte können die Fragen anpassen und den für ihr Unternehmen passenden Rhythmus festlegen.

Photo of Landon Pearson
Die Mitarbeitergespräche und wöchentlichen Updates haben mir geholfen zu verstehen, woran die einzelnen Mitarbeitenden in meinem Team arbeiten – und, was noch wichtiger ist, wie ich sie unterstützen und führen kann, indem ich Hindernisse aus dem Weg räume und die Richtung vorgebe.
Landon Pearson
Chief People Officer

Führungskräfte kennen die Stimmung und Bedürfnisse ihrer Mitarbeitenden

Erkundigen Sie sich jede Woche mit einer einfachen Frage nach der  Stimmung in Ihrem Team. Die Ergebnisse lassen sich im Laufe der Zeit zusammenfassen und geben Aufschluss über die Gefühlslage Ihrer Mitarbeitenden.

Photo of Julia Karnezis
Ich kann mir ein Szenario, in dem wir keinen Zugang zu Updates oder Mitarbeitergesprächen haben, nicht mehr vorstellen. Ich weiß nicht einmal mehr, wie das Leben vorher war. Die Umstellung von der Arbeit im Büro auf die Arbeit im Homeoffice hätten wir ohne diese Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten nicht bewältigen können.
Julia Karnezis
Director of People

Frequently Asked Questions

What is employee updates software?

Employee updates software enables employees to provide regular status updates, keeping their teams informed about current tasks, progress, and any obstacles they are encountering. This facilitates proactive tracking and alignment within an organization.

How does Lattice’s employee update software help managers?

Lattice helps managers stay informed with real-time updates from their teams. By centralizing insights on accomplishments and roadblocks, managers can provide timely support, align priorities, and make data-driven decisions​​.

What features does Lattice’s employee update software offer?

Lattice includes tools for customizable update prompts, real-time progress tracking, sentiment analysis, and seamless integrations with Slack, Teams, and email. These features make it easy to encourage consistent updates and simplify review processes​​.

How does Lattice ensure employee updates are actionable?

Lattice allows employees to tie updates to goals and key initiatives, ensuring their contributions align with organizational priorities. Managers can track trends and use insights from updates to inform performance reviews and one-on-one meetings​​.

Can Lattice’s employee updates tool be customized?

Yes, Lattice provides customizable templates for employee updates, allowing organizations to tailor prompts to reflect their specific needs. Whether it’s tracking KPIs, project milestones, or personal growth areas​​ - Lattice is ready for full customization.

How do updates in Lattice help in identifying and addressing obstacles?

By regularly sharing updates, employees can flag obstacles they're facing. This visibility allows managers to quickly understand these challenges and provide the necessary support to overcome them.

How does Lattice integrate employee update data into other parts of the platform?

Lattice connects updates with performance management, goals, and engagement data, creating a unified view of employee progress. This integration helps teams align individual contributions with broader company objectives​​.

Why are employee updates valuable for remote or hybrid teams?

Employee updates provide an asynchronous way for remote or hybrid teams to stay aligned. They help bridge communication gaps, ensuring that managers are always aware of their team’s status, even across different time zones​​.

Is it possible to track employee sentiment through Lattice's update feature?

Yes, Lattice enables managers to gauge team sentiment by including simple, recurring questions in updates. Over time, this aggregated information helps in understanding employee morale and engagement levels.

How does Lattice ensure the security of information shared in updates?

Lattice employs robust security measures, including data encryption and access controls, to protect the information shared in updates, ensuring that only authorized personnel have access. Additionally, employees can always choose whether they want their updates to be public or private.

Who benefits from using Lattice’s employee update software?

Lattice’s update software benefits HR teams, managers, and employees by improving communication, increasing transparency, and driving alignment. It’s suitable for organizations of all sizes looking to enhance team collaboration and performance​​.

Ihre Mitarbeiter sind Ihr Geschäft

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