Gooey <-->

Ihre Top-Talente besser verstehen

Mit Talentbewertungen können Sie unvoreingenommene, datengestützte Gespräche über die Leistung und das Potenzial Ihrer Mitarbeitenden führen.

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Logo of Vueling

Faire Bewertung von Einzelpersonen und Teams

Gewinnen Sie umfassende Einblicke in Ihre Belegschaft und fördern Sie die Effektivität Ihres Teams durch faire Bewertungen von Leistung und Potenzial.

Die Verwendung des 9-Felder-Modells von Lattice für Talentbewertungen ist einfach und bequem – die Möglichkeit, alle wichtigen Details an einem Ort zu organisieren, ist fantastisch.
Group Vice President

Mitarbeitende mit hohem Potenzial identifizieren und fördern

Erkennen Sie individuelle Stärken und Schwächen, um Talentlücken zu schließen und Abwanderungsrisiken proaktiv zu mindern.

Photo of Julie Honor
Der Kalibrierungsprozess von Lattice ist erstaunlich. Die Gespräche, die ich mit unseren Führungskräften und dem Management geführt habe, waren einige der interessantesten und ehrlichsten Gespräche, die ich je über Performance geführt habe.
Julie Honor
General Counsel

Unterfüttern Sie Ihre Talentstrategie mit umfassenden Daten

Heben Sie die Entscheidungsfindung für Nachfolgepläne, Beförderungen, Leistungsmanagement und Neueinstellungen auf ein höheres Niveau.

Photo of Felicity Davis
Mit Lattice haben wir nun die Gewissheit, dass die Leistungserwartungen und -messungen im gesamten Unternehmen einheitlich und gleichzeitig objektiv sind.
Felicity Davis
Head of People Operations

Frequently Asked Questions

What is talent reviews software?

Talent reviews software enables organizations to conduct comprehensive evaluations of employee performance and potential. It facilitates data-driven discussions to identify high-potential employees, assess talent gaps, and inform succession planning.

How does Lattice’s talent reviews software help HR teams?

Lattice simplifies the talent reviews process with tools like real-time performance data, customizable templates, and intuitive dashboards. HR teams can use these features to identify trends, assess team potential, and align talent strategies with business goals​​.

What features does Lattice’s talent reviews tool offer?

Lattice’s talent reviews tool includes features such as customizable review templates, nine-box grids, integration with performance and engagement data, and tools for tracking succession planning and talent readiness​​.

How do talent reviews differ from regular performance reviews in Lattice?

While performance reviews usually focus on evaluating an employee's past performance, talent reviews assess both past performance and future potential. This dual focus helps organizations identify high-potential employees and plan for their development and progression within the company.

Who benefits from using Lattice’s talent reviews software?

HR teams, managers, and executives all benefit from Lattice’s talent review software. It provides valuable insights into team performance and potential, aiding in strategic planning and long-term workforce development​​.

How does Lattice integrate talent reviews with other parts of the Lattice platform?

Lattice connects talent reviews with performance evaluations, employee goals, and feedback data. This integration provides a comprehensive view of employee contributions and potential, enabling more informed talent decisions​​.

Can talent reviews in Lattice be customized?

Yes, Lattice allows organizations to tailor review criteria, templates, and workflows to fit their specific talent evaluation needs. This ensures that the review process aligns with organizational goals and culture​​.

How does Lattice’s talent reviews software support succession planning?

Lattice helps organizations identify high-potential employees and prepare them for leadership roles. By integrating performance and engagement data, HR teams can map out clear paths for development and ensure readiness for key positions​​.

How does Lattice ensure fairness in talent reviews?

Lattice integrates data from multiple sources, such as performance reviews and feedback, to provide a balanced view of each employee. Through talent review calibrations, organizations can reduce bias to ensure that talent decisions are consistent, equitable, and aligned with company values​​.

What is the calibration process in Lattice's talent reviews?

Calibration in Lattice's talent reviews involves adjusting employee ratings to ensure consistency and fairness across the organization. Admins can create calibration groups, assign participants, and facilitate discussions to align on performance assessments.

What is the 9-box grid in Lattice's talent reviews?

The 9-box grid is a tool within Lattice's talent reviews that plots employees based on their performance and potential. This helps organizations visualize and identify top talent, recognize areas for development, and make informed decisions regarding promotions and succession planning.

How does Lattice ensure data security during the talent review process?

Lattice employs robust security measures, including data encryption and access controls, to protect sensitive employee information during the talent review process. Only authorized personnel have access to review data, ensuring confidentiality and compliance with data protection regulations.

Ihre Mitarbeiter sind Ihr Geschäft

Sichern Sie den Erfolg – mit Lattice.

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