Echtzeit-Erkenntnisse über Ihre Mitarbeitenden gewinnen
Mit gezielten Befragungen können Sie das Mitarbeiterengagement im Blick behalten, die Auswirkungen von Maßnahmen messen und verbesserungswürdige Bereiche ermitteln
Sammeln Sie kontinuierliche Informationen in Echtzeit
Packen Sie das Thema Fluktuation an der Wurzel. Mit den aussagekräftigen Umfragedaten zum Engagement sowie den Echtzeit-Informationen aus Puls-Umfragen können Sie verbesserungswürdige Bereiche identifizieren und ein optimales Arbeitsumfeld schaffen.

Relevante Daten zum Engagement in Echtzeit teilen
Halten Sie Teams, Führungskräfte und das Management auf dem Laufenden – durch den gemeinsamen Zugriff auf Engagement-Kennzahlen und Auswertungen.

Erkenntnisse in die Tat umsetzen und eine Wirkung erzielen
Beobachten Sie in Echtzeit, wie sich neue Initiativen und Änderungen auf den Alltag der Mitarbeitenden auswirken. So können Sie den Kurs korrigieren oder die Leistung sogar noch steigern.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is pulse survey software, and how does it benefit organizations?
Pulse survey software enables organizations to gather real-time feedback from employees through short, frequent surveys. These surveys help HR teams and executives monitor engagement, identify trends, and take proactive action to improve workplace satisfaction and productivity.
How does Lattice’s pulse survey software work?
Lattice simplifies the process of running pulse surveys with customizable templates, automated scheduling, and real-time analytics. Responses are easily tracked and analyzed to help organizations measure and improve employee sentiment continuously.
What types of questions can be included in Lattice pulse surveys?
Lattice pulse surveys support a variety of question types, including multiple-choice, Likert scales, and open-ended questions. These can be customized to focus on specific topics like employee well-being, engagement, or workplace changes.
How often should organizations run pulse surveys?
Pulse surveys can be conducted weekly, biweekly, or monthly to provide a continuous flow of feedback. The frequency can be adjusted based on organizational needs and priorities.
How does Lattice help organizations analyze pulse survey results?
Lattice offers powerful analytics tools, such as sentiment analysis, heatmaps, and demographic filtering. These features help HR teams identify engagement trends and areas that need improvement.
Can Lattice pulse surveys be anonymous?
Yes, Lattice allows organizations to conduct anonymous pulse surveys, ensuring employees feel comfortable sharing honest feedback without fear of repercussions. Prefer an identifiable survey? Don’t worry - they’re available too.
How do pulse surveys fit into a broader engagement strategy?
Pulse surveys provide quick insights that complement longer engagement surveys. They help organizations address issues in real-time while tracking trends over time to inform long-term engagement strategies.
Who benefits from using Lattice’s pulse survey software?
HR teams, managers, and employees all benefit from Lattice’s pulse surveys. HR teams gain actionable insights, managers can address team concerns proactively, and employees feel heard and valued.
How does Lattice support data-driven decision-making through pulse surveys?
Lattice provides actionable insights from survey results, including benchmarks and comparison tools. These data-driven insights help organizations prioritize initiatives and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

Ihre Mitarbeiter sind Ihr Geschäft
Sichern Sie den Erfolg – mit Lattice.